Tag Archives: Tyler Scott Hess

The Dream


The DreamThe Dream by Tyler Scott Hess

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

After years of toil working his way up the corporate ladder, Tim has his world turned upside down when his boss turns his back on him and personal tragedy sends him into a tailspin. Tim is forced to make some tough personal decisions while trying to make sense of his dreams.

I gave this book 3 Stars because – I Liked It! I thoroughly enjoyed this authors writing style. The pace of the book was comfortable, and a good story line captivated my imagination and drew me in. However, the conclusion fell flat as the story seemed to cut off abruptly. An epilogue, or a resolution to wrap things up, would have made my reading experience even more enjoyable.

I knew in the deepest recesses of my core that this idea was nothing but a wonderful, impossible dream. That in reality my nightmare was about to unfold before my eyes, the one where I’m left naked on the streets to die like an injured animal that no one cared to pick up out of the gutter and rescue to safety. I am roadkill, rotting on the side of the road, there’s no way out.

As I read the protagonist’s stream of thought, I easily imagined myself in his shoes. I have not ever been literally thrown to the curb as Tim was, but I have felt that same overwhelming feeling where you just want to start walking away and leave your struggles far behind.

Maybe in some far away land there are people who know what they really want to do with their lives. They know who they want to be, then they go out and fulfill their dream.

Tim eventually discovers through his struggles that life isn’t about all the “stuff” you have, it’s about love, the kind of love found in the Bible.

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